Sunday, May 18, 2008

and so castles made of sand melt into the sea eventually

      i have a week and a half left and 5 final exams to study for. i've been up since 8a working on literature and felt it was time for a break. even if i don't have much to write about.

      i've decided not to write about the fact that i have so little time here until wednesday for fear of scaring my host family with the sobbing that will no doubt ensue. in the meantime, you'll just have to suffer through a rather dry post detailing school occurrences, weekend occurrences, and the fact that i've been listening to bob marley all morning.

      my literature presentation is over, my paper was turned in, and both went fine. final exam tomorrow. then the linguistics one on thursday, language and history of spain next monday, then translation next tuesday. whoooooo!

      thursday night was spent out, all of friday was spent recovering, and i surfed, slept, stuffed my face, studied, and went out for a bit yesterday.

      my friends are silly.

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