Last weekend was spent in Cordoba and Granada with the program. Cordoba era impresionante; the mosque had been converted into a cathedral in the 12th century, so the architecture and design had an interesting mix of catholic and muslim influence. Before the tour, we were allowed time to wander around the city, so I visited the Palace of the Christian Kings. The grounds were gorgeous; calla lilies surrounded the fountains, and all of the trees and flowers were in full bloom.
      We arrived in Granada in time for dinner. Mara is studying there for the quarter, so my free time was spent with her ☺ We went to this amazing Moroccan tapateria with her friend Carolyn, another UW student in her program. Mara then took me to Chupeteria 69. Let me explain: over 120 types of shots, categorized by strength (soft, medium, hard), for 1 euro each. You’re given a 1 point card for each shot you take, and if you take a certain amount, you can trade in your cards for a prize (bandanna, fan, thong, hat, shirt, etc.). I ended up with a hat. The night ended fairly early since we had a tour of the Alhambra the next day. Plus I was the asshole that called the queen bed, all to herself. Tuve que aprovechar!
      I had been to the Alhambra before with my family, but it never ceases to amaze me. I took roughly 150 photos of the gardens alone. The scent of roses permeated the air; I kept my Ipod on and my camera strapped to my wrist throughout the tour. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
      We had lunch at a restaurant in the Albecine (the muslim quarter in Granada), which was fantastic. Their falafel and hummus were SO good. I wandered a bit afterwards, since the Albecine was on the way to our hotel. I bought a gorgeous, blood red belly dancing belt-scarf-skirt situation and a funky little coin purse.
      Mara and I met up after a quick nap for beer, burgers and tapas with Katie (who was on a break from her program in Paris), her boyfriend Kevin, and Mara’s friend, Colin. We went to Colin’s place for a bit afterwards to hang out before the botellon. The botellon was madness, a bit like Carnaval in that you can drink in excess in public and there’s nothing the police can do about it. We witnessed a catfight which ended with the girls making up and stumbling out of the plaza. At around 3a we went to a disco and danced until 6a. Best moment: Ladytron – Destroy Everything You Touch came on and Katie, Mara and I danced harder than ever while screaming the words. We made it back to the hotel, in bed and spooning by 7ish, and woke up at 9:30 to pack and leave for Cadiz.
      THIS past weekend was spent in Mallorca and Ibiza. The Balearic Islands reminded me of the Canaries: lots of beach, lots of massive hotels, lots of bars. The major difference, as to be expected, are the megadiscos on Ibiza. 30 euro will get you into this HUGE 3 level discoteca with dancers (cut from fucking stone) on their own little stages and the dance floor on one floor, the bar on another, and a balcony-bar on the 3rd. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. We were in Mallorca for Wednesday night, Thursday, and Saturday night, and Ibiza for Friday. Our (Brandon, Taryn and I) time was spent on the beach, in various discos, or eating eating eating. Hawaiian pizza with extra pineapple and I arelikethis, especially if my very own fairly large pie is only 6ish euro.
      We woke up at 5:30a for the flight back to Sevilla. I’m going to sleep for a bit, but the majority of my day will be spent doing homework. I’ve got a presentation in Literature on Thursday which I have yet to start, and a fat reading packet due for History of Spain on Tuesday.
      I can’t believe I only have 3 more weekends here. I’m going to Tarifa and Morocco with Aubrie next weekend, then staying in Cadiz for the last 2. Mara will be visiting me the weekend before I leave. And then back to the States. Gah.